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Definition of Politically Exposed Persons

A politically exposed person (PEP) is a person who during the past year has held or is currently holding a public position, such as:

  1. Head of State, Head of Government, minister, deputy or assistant minister

  2. Member of Parliament

  3. member of a political party’s administrative body

  4. member of supreme court, member of constitutional court or member of some corresponding judicial body whose decisions are not generally subject to further appeal

  5. member of court of auditors or of the highest decision-making body of an authority auditing the management of Government funds and corresponding to the State Audit Office

  6. member of the Board of the central bank

  7. ambassador or chargé d’affaires

  8. high-ranking officer in the armed forces

  9. member of the administrative, management or supervisory body of a state-owned company.

The following are categorised as family members of politically exposed persons as listed above:

  1. spouse or partner considered equivalent to spouse

  2. children and their spouses or partners

  3. parents.

Close associate shall mean:

  1. a natural person who participates in the same legal person or an organisation not having legal personality, or maintains any other business relationship, with the person who carries out or carried out the public prominent functions;

  2. a natural person who has sole beneficial ownership of the legal person or an organisation not having legal personality which has been set up or is operating for the de facto financial or any other private benefit of the person who carries out or carried out the public prominent functions.